Iconic fashion designer Lilly Pulitzer Rousseau passed away on Sunday in Palm Beach, Florida at the age of 81. She is known for her colorful women's dresses, tunics, accessories and footwear. An official statement posted on the company Facebook page states that "...we will celebrate all that Lilly meant to us. Lilly was a true original who has brought together generations through her bright and happy mark on the world."
Lilly's journey serves as an inspiration to everyone in the fashion industry! According to a Sports Illustrated article from 1968, her career grew from her desire for comfort while working on her husband's citrus grove. Not only was Lilly selling orange juice, but she was receiving inquiries for the colorful shift dresses that she made for herself..later known as the "Lilly's."
The biggest triumph in Lilly's career came when her schoolmate, former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy was photographed in one of her dresses. "They took off like zingo. Everybody loved them, and I went into the dress business," Lilly stated in her book, Essentially Lilly: A Guide to Colorful Entertaining.
Please enjoy these great behind the scene photos of Lilly at work!
I have a lot of her clothing! I kept my daughter in her clothing too! #mommyandme
ReplyDeleteI love that despite the times...the clothing remained in her fabulous prints!